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Fireman in smoke

A.A.A.I. is an enhanced chapter of the I.A.A.I.
AAAI is an Enhanced Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI) and as such; the I.A.A.I. will be the one “go-to” place for A.A.A.I. Seminar registrations, testing, certificates and membership matters. This will remove a large amount of time consuming work from the Alabama Chapter Board members.
Become a member today!
Enjoy the benefits of membership in the association with other professionals who work on a daily basis to combat arson and kindred crimes. Your membership entitles you to discounts on A. A. A. I. seminars and events.
Members participate in voting and if you are also a member of the Internation Association of Arson Investigators (I. A. A. I.), you are eligible to run for a position as an officer or serve on the board of directors in the Association.
To apply for membership or to renew, click here A. A. A. I. - I.A.A.I.
AAAI membership is $25.00 per year.
IAAI membership is $100.00 per year.

R Wes Pullen, Membership chairman, AAAI Phone 205-936-6100
Email: Wes Pullen