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AAAI – News from ADFS

December 10, 2021 Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences (ADFS) sent out a letter noticing public entities of their decision to stop accepting fire debris samples for analysis involving crimes against property. To download a copy of the letter, if you do not have one, CLICK HERE .

Of particular importance is their justification in making this decision in the fifth paragraph, “An important factor in this decision. . . .”


The Alabama Association of Arson Investigators’ full board of directors stand in direct opposition to the reasoning for the decision, described in paragraph five of the letter . Mrs. Sharee Wells, MS, ABC-FD, has drafted a response to the letter, fifth paragraph primarily, and a copy of it can be downloaded HERE.


After deliberation and discussion, the board wants the membership to be aware of this information so no one is blind sided by it.



Jeff Crain A.A.A.I. President